It’s time to give to polio
As we wind down the 2018-19 Rotary year, Rotary clubs focus on their end of year giving and on supporting so many amazing humanitarian projects – locally, regionally and internationally.
As we wind down the 2018-19 Rotary year, Rotary clubs focus on their end of year giving and on supporting so many amazing humanitarian projects – locally, regionally and internationally.
The eradication of polio remains Rotary International’s prime focus at this time – and will remain so until that goal is achieved!
As highlighted in the April issue of RDU, we are winning the fight and our world leaders are confident this lofty goal can be achieved within three years now that the wild poliovirus is contained to one small geographic area along the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Afghan and Pakistani Rotarians have joined the campaign like never before, and there is real hope our volunteers will be able to reach hundreds of thousands of children left unvaccinated in war-torn, remote areas for the first time.
Rotary is fortunate to have the ongoing support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but it is vital that Rotary clubs and districts continue to play a major role in fundraising to ensure completion of the project.
RI president Barry Rassin’s fundraising goals are the same as those set in recent years:
• Every Rotary club to donate US$1500 to End Polio Now this year.
• District governors to work with their TRF chairs to ensure every last cent of district designated funds left over from the incredible range of humanitarian projects is donated to End Polio Now.
• Districts and clubs continue the search for major donors at US$10,000 each.
While we need to focus on successful completion of the 2018-19 Rotary year, our district governors elect will work closely with their teams for 2019-20 to ensure similar fundraising goals are in place.
A strong message has been delivered to all club presidents elect to budget for Polio giving at the same level next Rotary year – US$1500 per club.
PDG Bob Aitken AM
2018-19 RI End Polio Now coordinator, Australia and New Zealand
Rotary Club of Lower Blue Mountains, NSW
As highlighted in the April issue of RDU, we are winning the fight and our world leaders are confident this lofty goal can be achieved within three years now that the wild poliovirus is contained to one small geographic area along the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan. Afghan and Pakistani Rotarians have joined the campaign like never before, and there is real hope our volunteers will be able to reach hundreds of thousands of children left unvaccinated in war-torn, remote areas for the first time.
Rotary is fortunate to have the ongoing support of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, but it is vital that Rotary clubs and districts continue to play a major role in fundraising to ensure completion of the project.
RI president Barry Rassin’s fundraising goals are the same as those set in recent years:
• Every Rotary club to donate US$1500 to End Polio Now this year.
• District governors to work with their TRF chairs to ensure every last cent of district designated funds left over from the incredible range of humanitarian projects is donated to End Polio Now.
• Districts and clubs continue the search for major donors at US$10,000 each.
While we need to focus on successful completion of the 2018-19 Rotary year, our district governors elect will work closely with their teams for 2019-20 to ensure similar fundraising goals are in place.
A strong message has been delivered to all club presidents elect to budget for Polio giving at the same level next Rotary year – US$1500 per club.
PDG Bob Aitken AM
2018-19 RI End Polio Now coordinator, Australia and New Zealand
Rotary Club of Lower Blue Mountains, NSW