Posted on Jul 23, 2019
We at Casey offer a diverse range of social events that are offered in the name of shared community, with no pressure to attend. 
Last Wednesday Night, a number of our Casey Rotarians went to hear the amazing music and voice of the group of Al Firous, highly qualified musicians based in Granada, Spain who are currently touring the world. Their instruments reflected Moroccan tradition and an European orchestral tradition, namely cello and violin, not to mention a passion for Celtic muscianship.
It was absorbing to experience such a merging of cultural nuances and rhythmic beats that curiously blended several worlds. While some tunes reflected specific cultures, the restful tones of Sufi mysticism emersed us in a silent space, whilst at other times a sense of a happy community saw audience participation, with singing and clapping to the shared joy of well known folk music by the audience. 
It was lovely to be approached by people afterwards, who shared a love of music. 
Thanks Hakim for arranging this. Awesome.
I am so happy that I was part of that energy. It was peaceful and beautiful at the same time. I got to speak with the cellist, a beautiful young woman who had her Masters in Music, specializing in you know what. I found out that the man playing what sounded like a cross between a sitar and a slide guitar, actually worked somewhat like a harp, had 76 different strings to work with. Amazing. All in all, my world expanded, given this experience.